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Having Problems With Jet Lag? Try This!

Having Problems With Jet Lag? Try This!

There is a new study in Singapore that reveals interesting ways of how to beat jet lag.  The people from interviewed 1000 passengers and came up with a list of interesting methods that may not be suitable for everyone.

The most surprising solution of all was the use of Viagra. Almost 11% of the interviewed people were willing to try it, (despite the fact that the scientific research was tested only on hamsters) and half of them claimed that it works.

Here is a list of tips and techniques that passengers use to avoid jet lag:

1. Stretching and exercising thru out the flight – 51% of the people who tried it claim it works

2. Taking sleeping pills – 48%

3. Changing your time upfront for the new time zone – 46%

4. Light and healthy diet – 46%

5. Taking Viagra – 45%

6. Exercising and getting some fresh air before the flight – 45%

7. No alcohol – 42%

8. Natural (herbal) medicine -42%

9. Consuming alcohol – 41%

10. Avoid sleeping during flight – 40%

11. Pills against jet lag – 39%

12. Use of Melatonin – 36%

If you don`t want to use any drugs or follow any radical or complicated regiments you might want to try:

1. Shifting bedtime in the right direction couple of days before the trip;

2. Drinking lots of water before, during you after your flight

3. Resetting your watch by adopting the hour of the time zone you are going in

4. 0 alcohol and no motion-sickness (depressants) drugs

5. Take a short (around 30min) naps after you arrive.

We hope this article can help you to avoid or at least reduce the effects of jet lag. If you have any other suggestions feel free to share it with us.

Have a safe flight.


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